Athletics » Athletics


First Day of  Spring Sports Practice 

All High School Sports - Start March 10th immediately after school 

All Mauger Sports - Start March 6th immediately after school




Athletics Genesis

Message from the Director of Athletics:


Welcome to Middlesex Athletics! It is believed that athletics plays an important role in the development of a child and an integral role in the educational experience. Therefore, the athletic department is committed to providing our student-athletes with an outstanding athletic program. As Director of Athletics, I encourage all students to involve themselves in all facets of the school.


Through participation in athletics, students will experience the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat; learn about the intricacies of teamwork, the meaning of perseverance, and the direct relationship of dedication and success. Students will incorporate these lessons into their everyday life. Some of life’s best lessons are learned in the athletic arena.


If at any point during the school year, you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the athletic office. We look forward to another successful year of Middlesex Athletics and your support!!! Go Blue Jays!!!


Mike O’Donnell
[email protected]
Director of Athletics
732-317-6000 ex. 21670